Teacher Information
Ms. Potter
Room 106
Phone: 734-374-8222
Twitter: @mspottersart
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Identify how an appreciation of the visual arts' influences the quality of life
Analyze how the elements of form and principles of design work together with the creative process to produce a work of art
Describe individual art disciplines, media and specific methods of making art.
Define major historical and contemporary movements in art and discuss how art reflects its time and culture
Execute studio art projects in order to experience visual concepts, art disciplines and media
Maintain a comprehensive sketchbook demonstrating understanding of the elements of art
Art Viewing/Films
As we explore the world of art, we will be viewing many different types of art through visuals (photographs, replicas, etc.) as well as portions of films and documentaries. If you have any concerns regarding this please contact me.
Grades will be based on the Trillium Student Handbook scale and will be available throughout the trimester on PowerSchool ( Parents/guardians and students are expected to check their grades on a regular basis. Please contact me immediately if there is a question or concern about a student's grade. Late work may be accepted but will be penalized. Please use my classroom’s website to keep up with work you miss while absent.
Grades will be based on the following:
Daily Art History Do Now writing assignments, Weekly Sketchbook assignments, Art Projects, Class discussions/critiques, Participation/Behavior, Final Exam based on the Do Now Artists (High school only)
Participation & Behavior
Participation & Behavior is also an important assessment that will be used for this course. Students can lose points for the following behavior: not engaging in class discussions, sleeping/head down during class, disrupting the class, tardies, dress code violations, cell phone violations, and any other issues that disrupt the learning environment.
Please bring the following items to class daily:
-Sketchbook (You will be given one sketchbook to use in class, if it gets lost it is your responsibility to buy or make a new one.)
- #2 pencils
-Hand-held pencil sharpener
-Black sharpies - fine point & extra fine point
Optional but recommended:
-Colored sharpies, colored pencils, drawing pencils, glue stick
***Please bring in supplies as well as a container of household wipes and a roll of paper towels for classroom clean-up by Monday, September 14***
The art room is always in need of the following items - if you are able to contribute any it would be much appreciated!
Masking tape
Paint (Small bottles of craft paint are ideal!)
Both student and parent/guardian have read the syllabus and understand what is expected:
Student Name: Student Signature:
Guardian Name: Guardian Signature:
Guardian Email: