Friday, May 17, 2013

Overheard in the Art Room

Student 1: Ms. Potter? Can I give up on this project? Student 2: Why would you EVER give up on art????

Watercolor techniques

We studied the colorful creations of Peter max, paying particular attention to the way he shares messages in his work

from a student...

Non traditional self portraits

We discussed the idea of a self portrait as a way to express things about yourself besides just your physical appearance. The results were powerful!


The history teacher and other art teacher and I joined forces (aka students!) to create our own version of the Greek wonder!

Grid drawings

My high school students used a grid to help them draw and enlarge a photograph!

Spotted in the art room!

Picasso's Dove of Peace

The next project my students are working on is a drawing that illustrates their idea of peace. We are using Picasso's Dove of Peace as inspiration. What images do you think of when you think of the word "peace"?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Modigliani inspired portraits - Advanced Middle School Art We studied the work of Modigliani - we discussed the elongated figures, warm skin tones, simplified features and blacked out eyes.