Monday, September 23, 2013
Toothpick sculpture
One of my students in Senior Art decided to make a toothpick palette to go with the toothpick paintbrush she made as a freshman!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Beginning of the year portfolio designs
I taught my beginning high school art class about Op Art. We looked at the work of Bridget Rielly and Victor Vasserely and then the students created their own optical illusion on the cover of their portfolio!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
The visual arts program offers students comprehensive art experiences with detailed explorations in the classics such as painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, graphic design, and crafts.
In addition to gaining confidence and proficiency working with a variety of mediums, students will learn about the history, analysis, and interpretation of art.
Art in school is both a body of knowledge and a series of activities. Fundamentally, learning in art has four major components. The goal of art education is the development of these areas:
*by making art (art production);
*by responding to and making judgments about the properties and qualities that exist in visual forms (art criticism);
*by acquiring knowledge about the contributions artists and art make to culture and society (art history);
*by understanding the nature, meaning, and value of art (aesthetics).
In addition to the school-wide discipline procedures, a set of class guidelines for success and consequences has been established and will be maintained. The following is a list of the class guidelines for success and consequences for art:
Class Guidelines for Success:
1. Be prepared for class – bring your supplies, sketchbook, pencils, etc. to class everyday.
2. Be to class on time.
3. Listen to and follow directions – ask questions.
4. Respect the people, equipment and furnishings in the art room. Get permission to use other’s materials.
5. Use all tools safely and properly.
6. Be honest and accountable for your actions.
7. Use your time wisely – stay on task and work towards project and assignment objectives.
8. Work quietly – use appropriate language and have appropriate conversations.
9. Be responsible for work area and tools – clean up after yourself!
10. Have a positive attitude – you CAN do it!
Assessment is the process of judging in terms of criteria. Assessment is an integral part of expected learning outcomes. Criteria are expected outcomes and observable evidence of learning. The main purpose of assessment should be to improve
teaching and learning and to measure student’s progress. Evaluation of each student will be by the following methods:
Art projects, Do Now writings, sketchbook assignments, and class participation
2 black sharpies - one fine point and one ultra fine point
2 #2 pencils
1 additional eraser
1 glue stick
1 container of household wipes
Optional materials: colored sharpies, markers, colored pencils, scissors, drawing pencils
You will be required to keep a sketchbook that will have assignments and self-discovery projects. Sketchbook assignments will be given every Monday and due every Friday.
Each week you will be given a weekly progress grade for a total of 50 points/10 points each day. Your weekly progress grade will be based on the ten class guidelines for success. For each guideline you do not complete, you will lose 1 point per day per guideline. You also lose 10 points for each class you are absent unless it is an excused absence.
The high school art syllabus and curriculum must be signed and dated by a parent or guardian and the student and turned in to Ms. Potter by 9/9/13 for 25 points. This process will ensure that the student and parent or guardian will have a clear
understanding of what the objectives, expectations, and assessment tools are for this course.
Thank you,
Ms. Potter
phone: 734-374-8222
___________________________________ ______________________________________
Student signature
___________________________________ ______________________________________
Parent or Guardian signature
Parent/Guardian initial here if I can have permission to use photos of your child's artwork on the my class website _____
Monday, June 10, 2013
Soap carvings -3d art
We studied relief sculptures- the students created their own on a bar of soap (we found Ivory soap works the best!) and then some choose to add color using food coloring. After the sculptures were complete the students added in a background that enhanced the sculpture.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Painting class balance projects
Explanation by a student: make a picture that doesn't confuse the human eye, making it balanced, use any kind of background that is the same on both sides (symmetrical), add in three objects of different sizes to created a balanced composition
Wire sculptures - middle school 3d art
We studied the human form/proportions, designed a figure using wire, then plastered and painted the sculpture!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Layers in Art - Project for 2D art 2
I am really excited for this project I found on Pinterest. Pinterest is AMAZING for an art teacher!!!!
I am really excited for this project I found on Pinterest. Pinterest is AMAZING for an art teacher!!!!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
Overheard in the Art Room
Student 1: Ms. Potter? Can I give up on this project?
Student 2: Why would you EVER give up on art????
Watercolor techniques
We studied the colorful creations of Peter max, paying particular attention to the way he shares messages in his work
Non traditional self portraits
We discussed the idea of a self portrait as a way to express things about yourself besides just your physical appearance. The results were powerful!
The history teacher and other art teacher and I joined forces (aka students!) to create our own version of the Greek wonder!
Picasso's Dove of Peace
The next project my students are working on is a drawing that illustrates their idea of peace. We are using Picasso's Dove of Peace as inspiration. What images do you think of when you think of the word "peace"?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

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